Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Crazy day

Today just started too early. Before 6:00. The sun wasn't even up for goodness sake.. I am so tired. It has been a crazy day. I am edgy and the kids sense it, and feed off of it. They get crazier and louder and even more on my nerves. A viscious cycle.. The baby has been inconsolable most of the day. Overly tired, I think. Just like his Mommy. He is currently sleeping in the swing.
The other two are in their room, supposed to be picking up toys. I wonder what they are actually doing...
I took the Christmas tree down, it was dropping needles all over the place. Normally I would have left it up until after the first of the year, but not this time. I should have started decorating in October to have enough time to enjoy it.
Christmas day was 70 degrees. I thought for sure that we would at least have a few snow flurries. How disappointing.

We decided to work on a lap book today. (Our first) It really is right up my alley. Scrapbooking with a higher purpose. I never have time to scrapbook but I have all the stuff to do it with. I love papers and stencils and stickers, most any office supply will put a smile on my face. So, we worked on the sun and moon. Fun!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Back to Normal?

Christmas was wonderful. Probably the best we've had so far. It was so relaxing and practically stress free ( after the first Christmas tree fell over and broke half my ornaments).

It was my own fault, really. I never realized just how busy I was going to be with the addition of the third child. I bought the first tree ( a three foot Frasier Fir) with intentions of putting it up in the school room with decorations the children made. Well, a week passed and the little tree was still sitting on the back porch. It was now December 15 and I couldn't imagine going out and purchasing another tree when I hadn't even erected the first one. So, with grumbles and groans from the children we put the small tree up in the living room.

I elevated it on a small table so that it would be taller than three feet and it stood there naked for two more days.

On the 17 th my sweet Mother came over to help me make Christmas goodies and decorate my tree. By about 4:00 we had the tree decorated and the sweet stuff cooked. By about 4:30 (Timber!!!) the tree was lying over in a pile of rubble, glass and water. I was devastated. My 6 year old drama princess began to wail about all the things she had made in church and school were broken...foooreeeeevvvveeerrr!!! I lost some precious things that can not be replaced. God placced His wonderful hand on my shoulder. I remained calm, well, calmer than I would have normally been in that sort of situation.

After we cleaned up all the water and glass I got the kids in the van and we went out and bought the tree we should have had in the first place. A seven foot Frasier that was beautiful with the "new" ornaments. The others will be missed.

Today we got back to school. It was a bit of a struggle but we did it!

This weeks memory verse:

"The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." John 1:14

Currently reading aloud:

Follow my Leader by James B. Garfield


Earth, moon, sun, day and night.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

In the beginning...

We are currently in our 80th day of homeschooling. (Google always corrects me to say did you mean Home schooling?) No, I meant homeschooling. They go together like peasandcarrots.

We have been at this for a few months now. I started early in anticipation of the birth of our first son. Just to make sure that I would know what I was doing by the time he arrived and the new baby chaos ensued. Boy, was I wrong and absolutely crazy. I do not think that I could have chosen a WORSE time to begin educating our darling daughters at home.. But, you know what? It was all God's plan in the first place. I tried to run from it, but He wouldn't let me. Things are tough. Just when you think that you have a schedule, something unforeseen and unavoidable will drag you off course and then it is like hiking in the wilderness without a compass.. I find myself asking God to please help me with every little thing that I do. Lord, can you geive me strength..Lord can you give me wisdom... Lord can you give me a lesson plan for the solar system... I know this is pleasing to Him because He wants me to depend upon Him for everything, and I am.
